Christmas is the time when many organisations start receiving gifts from grateful suppliers/customers.
Whilst we all enjoy the odd box of chocolates, it’s worth reminding staff of what is an acceptable gift.
Be clear that they are welcome to keep or share any gifts of minor value (e.g. less than £5) that they receive, but that they will need to inform a manager about any larger gifts, or gifts where the intention of the gift is questionable (e.g. to encourage you to agree a proposal/sale)
We encourage businesses to have a clear policy on accepting gifts, this way employees can inform their clients and suppliers of what is acceptable.
If you don’t have an Anti-Bribery Policy or an Accepting Gifts Policy, this could be a good time to implement them.
Don’t get irritated with staff who don’t share gifts with colleagues, or let you know what they have received if you have never published a policy that clearly sets out what is required and acceptable.
Many businesses have an annual raffle to share the gifts around the workforce, which means that employees who are not in a position to receive gifts have the opportunity to receive one.