Still undecided about who gets your vote?
- Guarantee EU employment legislation will be retained after Brexit
- Greater protection and rights for workers on boards, extend to staff the right of shareholders to access company information
- Extend the Equality Act to cover mental health
- A right to request training
- Pay gap reporting on ethnicity;more returnship opportunities for mums
- Increase in the national living wage in line with overall wages
- Up to a year of unpaid leave to care for a sick relative.
- Raise the minimum wage to £10 by 2020 and scrap public sector pay cap
- Ban zero-hour contracts, unpaid internships and umbrella companies
- Repeal the Trade Union Act and remove employment tribunal fees
- Equal rights for all workers from the first day of employment, whether part time, full time, perm or temporary.
- Extend paid paternity leave to four weeks and increase paternity pay
- Strengthen protection against unfair redundancy for women
- Guarantee rights for EU nationals living in Britain
- Four new public holidays per year.
Liberal Democrats:
- End the public sector pay gap and employment tribunal fees
- Back creation and adoption of a good employer kite mark covering areas such as paying the living wage and using name-blind recruitment
- A right for those on zero-hour contracts to request a fixed contract and consult on rights to request more regular working patterns
- Aim to double the number of business hiring apprentices
- An additional “use it or lose it” month of shared parental leave
- Campaign for the UK to guarantee rights of EU citizens in the country
- Update employment rights to take into account the gig economy