What is Hypnosis? Hypnosis is all about focus, all about you; releasing an issue or just some nice relaxation.
Hypnosis doesn’t have to be relaxation though, if we think about Stage Hypnosis (which most people do when they first think of Hypnosis), the people on stage are not relaxed at all, they are very focused and energised working on whatever the stage Hypnotist has them believing.
The talk of Stage Hypnosis brings us to an important point. If you speak to someone who has been Hypnotised on stage they will tell you they were fully aware all of the time and quite happy and comfortable with what they were doing. This is the same with therapy, when you are Hypnotised in the therapists chair you are still aware, never give up control and certainly cannot be made to do something you would not normally do or something against your morals.
As for relaxation. Relaxation is good for us, helps with our health, is what people expect from being Hypnotised and is nice to do. When you enjoy Hypnotherapy for whatever purpose you will be enjoying relaxation, the natural stress release and energy recharge of Hypnosis along with working on your chosen goal. 
How can it help your business?

Groups are a great way to benefit from Hypnosis where everyone in the group shares the same goal.
Group Stress Release Sessions are also a very effective way of helping companies look after their staff, in particular with regards to stress management which is recognised as a serious issue impacting the health of employees which also has a large impact on the organisation with absence from work, poor performance and low morale.
Organisations have a duty to help their staff manage work related stress.
Stress impacts us in many ways. It’s not always the amount of stress its more often about how long you have been holding onto it.
The impacts can be poor health, short temper, relationship issues, difficulty with focusing and actually doing your job.
Along with the above the general noise created in the mind by constant stress results in even more stress.
There is no doubt, particularly in the current economic climate that stress is an everyday issue and is frequently causing staff illness and poor performance, which in turn creates even more stress.
Group Stress Release Sessions are a very effective method of taking control and allowing your staff just to shut down for a time.
With sessions of around 40 minutes the impact on the day is very little for a massive return in staff wellbeing, mood and ultimately reduced absence costs and increased productivity.
The sessions can be timed to fit in with your day. Businesses can put as many people onto a course as they wish (dependent on room size) which makes it also a low cost option.
As well as the group sessions for Stress Release and Relaxation it is also possible to offer your staff individual attention. Provided a room can be made available longer one to one sessions can be held throughout the day/evening as required and could be combined with one or more group sessions during the day.
Our consultant is a registered Hypnotist in the UK, a Chinosis Coach with the Academy of Hypnotic Arts and also holds an SNHS diploma in Hypnotherapy. He has been helping groups of people and individuals by using Hypnosis for 12 years.


In the case of Pacey v Caterpillar Logistics, the employer decided to dismiss an employee who was on long-term sick due to a bad back, but whom was ‘caught on camera’ doing a range of normal things including driving, shopping etc.

Caterpillar Logistics said that Pacey had exaggerated his injury and sacked him. But when the employee explained the allegation away, saying that his GP had advised ‘light exercise’ (corroborated by the GP) the tribunal found the dismissal to be unfair. 

Because the investigation that was carried out was found to be insufficient – there should have been an occupational health assessment. 

Had the employer invested in an occupational health report which substantiated their conclusions, the outcome could have been a whole lot different. Instead they assumed their own minimal medical knowledge to reach their conclusions.

Occupational Health reports are an important document when trying to dismiss an employee for ill health, please contact me for further information. 



Don’t forget that at ECHR Ltd, we also advise individuals on employment matters. 

We can assist with appeal letters, grievance letters, tribunal paperwork and give general advice in all employment related situations.
Please pass on our details to friends and family who may need some guidance and don’t want to pay expensive solicitor fees. 
(If we already represent a business we of course will not represent an employee due to conflict of interests).


Still undecided about who gets your vote? 


  • Guarantee EU employment legislation will be retained after Brexit
  • Greater protection and rights for workers on boards, extend to staff the right of shareholders to access company information
  • Extend the Equality Act to cover mental health
  • A right to request training
  • Pay gap reporting on ethnicity;more returnship opportunities for mums
  • Increase in the national living wage in line with overall wages
  • Up to a year of unpaid leave to care for a sick relative.


  • Raise the minimum wage to £10 by 2020 and scrap public sector pay cap
  • Ban zero-hour contracts, unpaid internships and umbrella companies
  • Repeal the Trade Union Act and remove employment tribunal fees
  • Equal rights for all workers from the first day of employment, whether part time, full time, perm or temporary.
  • Extend paid paternity leave to four weeks and increase paternity pay
  • Strengthen protection against unfair redundancy for women
  • Guarantee rights for EU nationals living in Britain
  • Four new public holidays per year.

Liberal Democrats:

  • End the public sector pay gap and employment tribunal fees
  • Back creation and adoption of a good employer kite mark covering areas such as paying the living wage and using name-blind recruitment
  • A right for those on zero-hour contracts to request a fixed contract and consult on rights to request more regular working patterns
  • Aim to double the number of business hiring apprentices
  • An additional “use it or lose it” month of shared parental leave
  • Campaign for the UK to guarantee rights of EU citizens in the country
  • Update employment rights  to take into account the gig economy




Almost two-thirds of our waking lives are spent at work. This makes the workplace one of the best arenas to influence positive health and wellbeing.
Why, then, does the cost of employee ill health continue to spiral out of control? Every year, UK businesses lose 131 million days to sickness absence.
In today’s business arena, more than 99% of private companies can now be defined as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).  However, It is one of the worst performing in terms of employee health outcomes, with one-third of SME employees experiencing a mental health problem during their working life 
The day-to-day pressures of running a small business often mean that a proactive and strategic approach is rarely seen as a priority. The reality is that for many SMEs, the introduction of a health and wellbeing programme too often comes down to issues of size, culture, budget and resource.
What are the benefits?

Reduced sickness absence
Increased staff retention
Enhanced employee engagement

Not only does this save you money, it makes you money – with researching showing that safe and healthy workplaces generate 4% higher profit margins and 20% more revenue per employee.

You also don’t need a big budget to make a big difference. There are a wide range of options that you, as an employer, can offer at little-to-no cost. 

One size doesn’t fit all – please give me a call for some advice on  putting together an employee wellbeing programme.

I am currently working with “At Home Fitness” who can offer your employees personal fitness training. If you or your employees are interested in speaking to Mani Sidhu please contact him on: 01902 336381 or 07427688459.