by | Jun 1, 2017



Almost two-thirds of our waking lives are spent at work. This makes the workplace one of the best arenas to influence positive health and wellbeing.
Why, then, does the cost of employee ill health continue to spiral out of control? Every year, UK businesses lose 131 million days to sickness absence.
In today’s business arena, more than 99% of private companies can now be defined as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).  However, It is one of the worst performing in terms of employee health outcomes, with one-third of SME employees experiencing a mental health problem during their working life 
The day-to-day pressures of running a small business often mean that a proactive and strategic approach is rarely seen as a priority. The reality is that for many SMEs, the introduction of a health and wellbeing programme too often comes down to issues of size, culture, budget and resource.
What are the benefits?

Reduced sickness absence
Increased staff retention
Enhanced employee engagement

Not only does this save you money, it makes you money – with researching showing that safe and healthy workplaces generate 4% higher profit margins and 20% more revenue per employee.

You also don’t need a big budget to make a big difference. There are a wide range of options that you, as an employer, can offer at little-to-no cost. 

One size doesn’t fit all – please give me a call for some advice on  putting together an employee wellbeing programme.

I am currently working with “At Home Fitness” who can offer your employees personal fitness training. If you or your employees are interested in speaking to Mani Sidhu please contact him on: 01902 336381 or 07427688459.


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